App eases the circumstances of Adolescents & Young Adults with cancer
The National AYA 'Young & Cancer' Platform, NFK and IJsfontein developed 'Match', an app that keeps family and friends involved with the Adolescent & Young Adult with cancer (AYA) in an accessible way. During its development, we involved the target group as often as possible to make sure the app actually had an impact. In the final phase, five AYAs tried the app for three weeks, so that we could measure what effect the app had over a longer period of time.

A PhD examined the impact of the app and showed that it represents a valuable digitalisation for healthcare. The app has an impact on two levels. On the one hand, the app makes it easier for AYAs to keep their family and friends informed, and on the other, it makes it easier for family and friends to offer appropriate help to the AYA.