
Better care by experiencing dementia yourself in VR

In the dementia simulation Into D'mentia: the Cabin, you step into the shoes of someone with incipient dementia. The aim: to give care professionals and informal carers an insight into the perspective of people with dementia. In the cabin, you are actively engaged in a realistic setting. You see, act and think like someone with incipient dementia. So you experience the uncertainty and disorientation and confusing misunderstandings with your carer that people with dementia have on a daily basis. Between 2012 and 2022, more than ten thousand care professionals and informal carers used this touring cabin to learn how to better care for people with dementia. A Danish version was also created for education.

Since 2021, you can also have this experience in Virtual Reality (VR). Thanks to 4D film technology, the carer now really walks through the room with you. Again, this experience proves impressive and effective. By popular demand, we also made a second VR experience about the advanced phase of dementia. This one confronts you with your lack of overview and with your dependency. You see memories floating and experience your days fragmented. Both VR experiences are used in trainings for informal carers and care professionals, as well as by MBO courses. The result: better understanding and more personalised care thanks to empathy.