
Stigma toward depression reduced after playing game

Games are excellent learning machines, you can really practice at your level and you are encouraged to keep going. Anouk Tuijnman, PhD at Radboud University and the Trimbos Institute:

In close cooperation with the Trimbos Institute, we developed the serious game Moving Stories, a game that helps young people to recognize and discuss depression in themselves and others. During development, the game was tested several times with end users and experts.

Moving Stories has shown a positive effect in practical situations. The game was played (out) by almost all students, and that while it was not mandatory. This is exceptional for this target group. Stigma regarding depression among young people has decreased after the game. Also, 90% of the students would recommend the game to other students.

Two randomized controlled trials with more than 3,000 students have validated the game. The game can be used in all schools in the Netherlands and the international research and prevention community can roll out the game worldwide.