
Trimbos Institute

App helps young people make and communicate their own decisions about drugs


Sometimes it seems like everyone is doing drugs. That just isn’t the case; the majority of adolescents in the Netherlands abstain from drug use. In nightlife settings like festivals, there are always people around who use drugs and might offer them to you. 

How can we give our adolescents the tools they need to feel comfortable to reject drugs?


IJsfontein has developed Festival Oneliners on behalf of Trimbos-instituut. A mobile web app game that encourages adolescents to think about drug use and help them decline drugs through suggestions. In Festival Oneliners you go along with Zoë, Raphael, Maud, Eric and Charley to Festival Summerville.

It's up to you how you want to experience the festival. From the anticipation in the app group - shall I arrange some more pills? - to a friend who wants to try it “but only if you join too”. The user experiences different scenarios and tries to react correctly in order to collect oneliners. Oneliners that formulate how to draw the line for yourself.


After playing Festival Oneliners, adolescents get a moment to reflect and think about drug use in nightlife. Through oneliners, Festival Oneliners has given them tools they can use when they want to decline drugs.

I am doing just fine without drugs
Oneliner from Festival Oneliners


Annelies Wisse
Annelies Wisse
Experience & play designer






Type product

App, Game




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