
More efficient transfer of knowledge

Our designs are not only educational but also fun. We use scientifically proven principles to keep people’s attention focused and interactions smooth and intuitive. This helps visitors to fully concentrate on the subject matter. Whether they're experiencing a simulation about dementia, exploring a young adult literature exhibition, or flying in a plane as a pilot in VR, we make sure they are fully immersed in the experience. 

How do we achieve this? At IJsfontein, we want you to actively explore a topic. Instead of just giving you information, we challenge you to search for it and discover things on your own. Our interactive media will spark your curiosity and make learning enjoyable. Everything we do creates a domino effect: it encourages you to discover more and get even more inspired. And the more you explore, the more you’ll want to learn about the world around you.


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Hayo can tell you more about it

Ana Team 300x400


Co-founder &
creatief directeur

Contact Hayo


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